A World Of Discovery

Connect the discovery of reading with the exploration of our surroundings.
Buy The Book

The first two books in the “Places Everywhere” series is now available on Amazon!

Read It With Your Children

A feel-good, read-to-me book for parents eager to encourage their children toward a life of travel and exploration.

Grow In Your Connection

“Places Everywhere” is the perfect way to plant these seeds right from the beginning!

The Places Everywhere Book Series:

Places Everywhere

This is the introductory book in a series designed to intuitively connect the discovery of reading with the exploration of our surroundings, with a horizon that expands as the series unfolds and the child matures. “Places Everywhere” is a playful, rhyming, read-aloud picture book written with a touch of whimsy and humor. A feel-good, read-to-me book for parents eager to encourage their children toward a life of travel, exploration, and anticipation, “Places Everywhere” is a perfect way to plant these seeds right from the very beginning! 

In Our House

This second book in the Places Everywhere series shows the child’s world expanding, along with her growing awareness of her broader surroundings throughout the house, which features many more places to explore.

In Our Yard

This third book in the Places Everywhere series shows the child’s world expanding even further, beyond the house where they live, as she begins to explore sights and the sounds of the outside world throughout her own backyard.

Oh, No! Where Did Binky Go? (Binky Book)

This first book in the Binky Book Series explores a child’s journey through losing their binky, finding it, and what both parents and children can learn as we experience the painful process of growing up.

The Places Everywhere Series

Encouraging children toward a life of travel, exploration, and anticipation.

Parents and grandparents will find each of these picture books an easy yet meaningful read. They are designed to encourage children from their earliest years to look and to listen, to keep exploring and discovering their surrounding in the ever expanding world around them.

At the same time, they are intended to encourage parents to regularly seize those moments to spend time reading to their children, accenting how quickly their children change, how continually their world expands, and how rapidly their children grow up right in front of their eyes.

About R.J. Guy

Children’s book author R. J. Guy is a storyteller who has always been a kid at heart! An outdoorsman, he says his mind is clearest when he’s out in the fresh air with his legs at work! He has been deeply inspired by authors like Hans Christian Anderson, C. S. Lewis, George MacDonald, and Madeline L’Engle, who ponder and probe life’s deepest mysteries.
Author R.J. Guy
Free Coloring Book

Download the 20 page Places Everywhere Coloring Book for FREE!

A fun interactive way to spark your child’s imagination and experience the places everywhere series.