Cozy Ridge Newsletter - July 2022
July 8, 2022
It has been a sheer delight to be tinkering away up on Cozy Ridge once again! I must say that the grounds are looking quite lovely these days, with flowers blooming all over the place, with birds singing merrily away, and with everything appearing to flourish!!
As we know, the rain falls on flowers and weeds alike, however! During the few weeks that I was away last month, some parts of the yard became quite unwieldy, the weeds making their spring thrust just at the time I was not there to tend to them. It took me the better part of two weeks to get them back under control!
The most difficult work was those portions of the farm that I’m reclaiming, those sections that have been unkept and unruly for the past several decades. After being cleared of brush and roots and rocks, these stretches will gradually be incorporated into the lawn as long as I keep the weeds from taking over again.
As difficult of a task as it has been, all this keeping and tending that I do at Cozy Ridge has become a sort of labor of love, as I’ve grown attached to the land and to all my fellow creatures that share it alongside me! I love to watch the entire landscape thrive–the fields and orchard, the butterflies and bees, the deer and rabbits, the songbirds and mourning doves!
I’ve come to see the entire venture as a meaningful form of caretaking, a tangible expression of generosity and grace, and an ongoing investment of love, both by giving back and paying it forward! As a result, for all my hard work—my blood, sweat, and tears—I find that I am thoroughly delighted by it all, and truly blessed beyond imagining!
Wherever you happen to be this summer, be it at home or abroad, may you find your own labor of love, and may your tinkering be a source of blessing to you as well!
From our hearts to yours,